I am a interdisciplinary, multimedia artist currently in my final year of MRes Art: Moving Image at Central Saint Martins. My practice explores the intersections of grief, memory and perception. Engaging in moving image as a primary medium, through video art and narrative film, I embrace ambiguity, facilitating open-ended scenarios presented for subject viewing and multiple interpretations. 
I studied MSci Business and Management with Innovation at the University of Bristol until 2022. The course focused upon social design and the design thinking systems framework. I worked on projects with DEFRA and College of Bristol during this period. In 2022, I became the first person to deliver an art installation as their final project in the history of the course. I had to produce research on the viability of the arts industry to create meaningful impact through interviews with local artists and neuroscientists who specialised in colour theory. The resulting installation was well received and resulted in commercial interest from the likes of Outernet. 
Since starting at Central Saint Martins, I have transitioned into creating solely moving image works. These range from video art that looks to cut through the boundary of performed behaviour and natural reactions, revealing their complex relation to a narrative short that follows a young woman’s struggles to come to terms with a life-changing event, exploring themes of memory, reality and inner conflict as she slowly loses control. Alongside my practice, I have wrote several papers on the themes of audience participation and film as a warped mirror. 
2018 - 2022            MSci Business and Management with Innovation, University of Bristol. 
2023 - Present       MRes Art: Moving Image, Central Saint Martins.
2022     HARMONOIA, The Vestibules, Bristol        
2022     HARMONOIA, The Richmond Building, Bristol        
2023     Ineffable Retrospect, The Bridewell, Liverpool
2024     REASSEMBLAGE, Central Saint Martins, London         
2025     Consumed By The Gentle Flame, The Good Rice, London 
2025     199, Art Moscow, Gostiny Dvor

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